Friday, 31 January 2025

Ugwuaji-Makurdi 330kV Transmission Line Tower T195 Vandalised - TCN Commends Community Vigilance

Ugwuaji-Makurdi 330kV Transmission Line Tower T195 Vandalised - TCN Commends Community Vigilance

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) hereby states that its Tower T195 along the Ugwuaji – Makurdi 330kV transmission Line was vandalized on Saturday, January 25, 2025, at Watuolo village, Utonkon in Ado local government area of Benue State.

The vandalism was thwarted by the vigilance of the community members, who at about 3 am noticed suspicious activity around the tower and promptly apprehended one of the vandals while the others escaped. The vandal was handed over to the police.
TCN commends the people of Watuolo Village for their swift action and vigilance. We equally appeal to communities hosting critical infrastructure to emulate this example and take ownership of protecting transmission installations in their vicinity.

As we continue to work with security operatives and host communities against vandalism, we continue to appeal for more vigilance by residents in the communities, who we believe are very critical in this fight.

Ndidi Mbah
GM, Public Affairs


Magistrate court fïnes University girl ₦150k for failing to visit boyfriend after receiving ₦3k transport fare

Magistrate court fïnes University girl ₦150k for failing to visit boyfriend after receiving ₦3k transport fare

Rhoda, by name, switched off her phone and failed to show up after Mr. Olapitan sent her transport fare to visit him.

Unable to contact Ms. Adu after sending her transport fare, Mr Olapitan felt defrãuded and emotiõnally distressed and reported the incident to the Ayeso Police Station.

Ms. Rhoda was thereafter arreṣted and brought to the court where evidence of the incïdent was submitted, which included the N3,000 transfer and WhatsApp messages between Mr Olapitan and Ms. Adu.

The magistrate hears  the case, sees the WhatsApp messages and money transfer receipts and shakes his head.

Perhaps he's been through it. He finds Rhoda guïlty, and orders her to refund the N3000 transport money, pay 100,000 to Olapitan for breach of agreement,
Pay 50,000 to Olapitan for emotional diṣtress.